Montclair State University offers several scholarships to master’s and doctoral students. Please find a full listing below of not only the opportunities offered through Montclair State University, but also featured external opportunities and several scholarship search engines. The Office of Graduate Admissions encourages you to apply to one or all of the opportunities below.
As part of our deep commitment to providing our students with a high quality and affordable education, Montclair has partnered with ScholarshipUniverse. This tool brings together external and internal scholarships in one convenient portal for our Red Hawks to access as much funding as possible. The best part? By filling out your ScholarshipUniverse profile, you’ll be matched with best fit opportunities so that you can streamline your efforts to obtain additional aid – all in a matter of minutes.
- Students – undergraduate and graduate – can access ScholarshipUniverse throughout their entire time at Montclair, beginning once you are deposited and have set up your Montclair NetID and password.
- By setting up your profile, an adaptive matching engine will filter and display scholarship opportunities tailored specifically to you, your interests, goals and accomplishments so you can review the options that are the best fit for you. You only have to input your information once and ScholarshipUniverse will send it to any scholarships you apply to. Feeling busy? The platform guides you through a secure process, sending you alerts and communications to keep you on track towards scholarship success. You can log in any time to track the status of your scholarship applications.
- Scholarships are added throughout the year and the platform is available to you 24/7. We recommend that you log in to ScholarshipUniverse at least once a week to stay up to date on any new scholarships that are posted and apply before their deadline dates. During the peak scholarship application season (typically late fall through mid-spring) it is recommended to log in more frequently.
- Red Hawk Central at
- Yes! You can receive as many scholarships for which you qualify. The only limitation is that your total scholarship and grant assistance (from all sources) cannot exceed your cost of attendance. Also, if you are receiving a scholarship from the University, it can only be applied towards direct costs – tuition, University fees, room and meals on campus. If those costs are covered by other forms of gift aid (grants, external and internal scholarships and waivers), your University scholarship will be reduced.
- Outside scholarships from all sources are considered aid. The total of your financial aid cannot exceed your Cost of Attendance. Funds received may result in a reduction or cancellation of your student loans or institutional grants. There may also be a reduction in your Garden State Guarantee grant based on the state regulations which limit this funding.
- External scholarship providers will normally send scholarship proceeds directly to the University and the Office of Student Accounts will apply it to your NEST account. If you do not see these funds applied to your account within two weeks of being notified, we recommend that you reach out directly to the sponsoring organization.
The Albert Wang Dissertation Award is available to qualified full or part-time doctoral students at Montclair State University who are enrolled in their courses for dissertation advisement. The Albert Wang Dissertation Award assists doctoral students who are conducting scholarly research as a part of their dissertation.
Eligibility: Students:
- Must be fully matriculated in a doctoral program at Montclair State University.
- Must be enrolled in or anticipate being enrolled in dissertation advisement in the Spring 2022 semester.
- Must have a dissertation proposal fully approved on file in The Graduate School.
- Must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA the semester of the award.
- The recipient may not receive this award more than once nor hold another University scholarship of graduate assistantship simultaneously.
Award Amount: The Albert Wang Dissertation Award provides for one $2,265 tuition award to be given in the Spring semester.
Deadline: To be considered for the Albert Wang Dissertation Award, doctoral students must submit the Albert Wang Dissertation Award Application and all supporting materials to Caren Ferrante in The Graduate School by Wednesday, December 8th, 2021. Applicants will be notified by mid-January.
Application Process: Please submit the following to Caren Ferrante in The Graduate School.
- The Albert Wang Dissertation Award Application form.
- Five page typed summary of their dissertation proposal with an abstract. Please include the importance of your research/area of inquiry to the field of discipline in which you are studying.
- Copy of Dissertation Proposal Approval form with all signatures.
- Letter of support from your dissertation advisor addressing dissertation work and its potential impact on the field.
Caren Ferrante,, 973-655-4403
ATTENTION: Caren Ferrante
Montclair State University
The Graduate School, 4th Floor
1 Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043
Students will be evaluated on these materials as well as their academic performance in the doctoral program.
Description: The purpose of the Robert J. Lieberman scholarship is to provide an annual graduate scholarship to an MBA student concentrating in marketing in the School of Business.
Eligibility: Applicants must be MBA students concentrating in marketing and must have a minimum MBA GPA of 3.0. Applicants may enroll full time (nine credits or more per semester) or part-time (less than nine credits per semester).
Award Amount: One student will be awarded $3,212 (in total) to be used for tuition in the Fall and Spring semester.
Deadline: Monday, March 15th, 2022
Application Process: To be considered for the Robert J. Lieberman Advertising Graduate Scholarship, students must submit the online application by the deadline.
Applicants will be evaluated on the essay submitted, GMAT/GRE scores, GPA, and credits earned.
*MBA graduate assistants are not eligible to receive the Robert Lieberman Scholarship. If a student accepts a graduate assistantship, the student is not eligible for any other University or Montclair State University Foundation scholarship which offers a financial award.
College of Science and Mathematics
College of Education and Human Services
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Anne Chapman Scholarship
Art and Design
To assist one full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Art and Design with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Financial need is considered.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7295.
Anne Kirby Memorial Scholarship
The College of Education and Human Services
The award is to assist one matriculated graduate student in the MEd or MAT degree program with at least nine credit hours who is teaching or preparing to teach.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-5187.
Al Stein Memorial Fund
Biology and Molecular Biology
The award is to assist full-time students majoring in a program offered by the Biology and Molecular Biology Department. Undergraduate recipients must have completed one year of biology core and collateral courses and have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA. Graduate students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
For more information about this award, please visit the Biology Department – Graduate website.
Bigel Anthropology Fund
The award is to assist advanced undergraduate and graduate students majoring or minoring in a program offered by the Department of Anthropology. The funds may be used to support their field research and directly related endeavors, including the purchasing of materials directly related to advancing their field experiences.
For more information about this award, please visit the Bigel Grant page.
Bonnie Lustigman Research Fellowship
Biology and Molecular Biology
The award is to assist two undergraduate or graduate biology and molecular biology majors at Montclair State University with minimum of six credits. Recipients must maintain 3.5 GPA.
For more information about this award, please visit the Biology Department – Undergraduate website.
David Ott Scholarship
John J. Cali School of Music
A fellowship to assist one incoming matriculated graduate student enrolled in Music Therapy program.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7212 or email
Dennis K. McDonald Award
Theatre and Dance
The award is to assist one graduate theatre student or undergraduate student (who will be a junior or a senior in the forthcoming semester) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in theatre courses. The candidate should have given high-quality theatrical performances, demonstrated professional potential and shown evidence of continued development and academic achievement.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7738.
Edward and Barbara Buhrer Scholarship
The College of Education and Human Services
The award is to assist one full-time undergraduate student or graduate student majoring in social studies or English pursuing Teacher Certification who is in their student teaching semester with minimum of 3.5 GPA and proven financial need.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-5167.
Ellen Kauffman Travel Award
The College of the Arts
The award is to assist undergraduate or graduate students majoring in a program offered by the Department of Broadcasting, Speech Communication, Theatre and Dance for study abroad. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA in their major.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-5104.
Endowed Graduate Scholarship in French
Modern Languages and Literatures
To assist one student currently enrolled in the French graduate program of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. The award covers one graduate course (tuition only). Recipients must be in good academic standing with at least 3.0 cumulative GPA at time of application.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-4283.
F. Paul Shields, Jr. Fund
Art and Design
To assist one full-time graduate student enrolled in the Masters of Fine Arts Program with 3.2 GPA. The recipient must provide evidence of demonstrated leadership and participation in extra-curricular activities at Montclair State University. Financial need may be considered.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7295.
John & Rose Cali Scholarship
The College of the Arts
The award is to be used to assist prospective or currently enrolled full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the CART with a minimum GPA of 2.5, who demonstrate commitment to a career in the arts. Scholarships will be awarded primarily on the basis of artistic achievement or promise. Financial need may be a consideration, but not the primary consideration for this scholarship.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-5104.
John J. Cali Music Scholarship
John J. Cali School of Music
To provide scholarships and fellowships for students enrolled in programs offered by the Cali School of Music.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7212 or email
Lawrence H. Conrad Award
To assist one student pursuing a graduate degree in American Literature or Creative Writing at Montclair State University. Selection is based on value of thesis proposal and financial need.
For more information about this award, please visit the English Department Awards and Scholarships page.
Lucille Weistuch Memorial Award
Early Childhood, Elementary Education and Literacy Education
This award is to assist one graduate student in field of Early Childhood Special Education.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-5407.
Mary Bondon Scholarship
The award is to assist one English major graduate student pursuing a teaching career in English Literature (high school or college level).
For more information about this award, please visit the English Department Awards and Scholarships page.
Miano Graduate Special Education Scholarship
Ben Samuels Children’s Center
This award is to assist one graduate student enrolled in a program leading to work with children who have pervasive developmental disorders, especially those with Autism. Recipients must have completed 18 semester hours of graduate course work with a 3.5 GPA at Montclair State University. Applicants must submit the following: Personal statement not to exceed 750 words, letters of support, copy of program or letter showing full matriculation and copy of transcript.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7177 or email
Morse Estate Music Scholarship
John J. Cali School of Music
To assist one full-time undergraduate or graduate music major who shows interest and ability.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7212 or email
NSF S-STEM NECST Scholarship Program
Department of Computer Science
This award assists full-time graduate students enrolled in a Master of Science in Computer Science program. More information about NSF S-STEM NECST Scholarship Program, or email Dr. Katherine Herbert.
Peins Speech Pathology Scholarship
Communication Sciences and Disorders
To assist one matriculated graduate student concentrating in Speech-Language Pathology. Recipient must have completed 15 credit hours in the department with a minimum 3.5 GPA in concentration. Applicants must provide evidence of participating in professional activities or community service relating to communication disorders. Should show potential for success in doctoral studies and research in communication disorders.
For more information about this award, please contact Ilse Wambacq.
Rachel Elrick Fund
The award is to assist undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of English, who have had scholarly papers accepted at major regional, national, or international conferences. The purpose of the award is for travel to the conference.
For more information about this award, please visit the English Department Awards and Scholarships page.
Rita J. Burke McLeish Memorial Scholarship
Ben Samuels Children’s Center
To assist an undergraduate or graduate degree student pursuing studies leading toward working with children who have developmental delays. Recipient must have at least nine semester hours in major with 3.0 GPA.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7177 or email
Shanghai Student Quartet Scholarship
John J. Cali School of Music
To assist full or part-time undergraduate or graduate string instrument majors to study with the Shanghai String Quartet. This award is based on merit.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-7212 or email
Sobel Scholarship
Mathematical Sciences
The award is to assist one graduate student in mathematics education; nominated by mathematics education faculty.
For more information about this award, please visit the Mathematical Sciences Scholarships page.
Sokol Doctoral Fellowship
The College of Science and Mathematics
The award is to provide up to two fellowships to assist doctoral candidates in chemistry or a closely allied field such as physics or biology (the acceptability of an allied field to be determined by the faculty of the chemistry department). Until such time as Montclair State University offers a doctoral program in chemistry, it shall provide these fellowships for its graduates who are candidates in such a program at Montclair State University or another college or university.
For more information about this award, please visit the Biology Department – Graduate website.
Sokol Graduate Fellowship
The College of Science and Mathematics
The award is to assist one undergraduate student who graduates with a degree in one of the natural science majors and who will pursue a PHD in biology, molecular biology, geoscience, physics, chemistry or biochemistry at any accredited institution of higher learning including Montclair State University.
For more information about this award, please visit the Biology Department – Graduate website.
Sokol Summer Graduate Research Fellowship
The College of Science and Mathematics
The award is to assist talented graduate students conducting research on their senior thesis at Montclair State University. Candidate must submit to the Dean of The College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM): an application with a two page personal statement/proposal for research to be undertaken and letter of support from CSAM thesis advisor who will serve as mentor during the summer.
For more information about this award, please visit the Biology Department – Graduate website.
Solomon Honig Textbook Scholarship Fund
Economics and Finance
Book Award – To outstanding students enrolled in the Department of Economics and Finance for the purchase of textbooks from the Montclair State University Bookstore.
For more information about this award, please call 973-655-5255.
Soverel Book Award
The School of Business
To provide a textbook award for undergraduates or graduate students in one of the programs within The School of Business who is an employee of a banking organization in the community.
For more information about this award, view this Soverel Book Award flyer.
Westerdahl Fellowship
Mathematical Sciences
The Montclair State University Westerdahl Fellowship supports fulltime studies in the PhD program in Mathematics Education at Montclair State University.
For more information about this award, view this Westerdahl Fellowship site.
The following websites provide free college scholarship listings and financial aid information resources. In most of the links, the student creates a personal profile, and then a matching engine presents him/her with information on the most relevant scholarship awards.